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It depends on the country Hitler was demanding surrender from.

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Q: How long after hitlers death did Germany surrender?
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How long did the Germans surrender after hitlers death?

one week

How long did world war2last?

For the US, December 1941 until August/Sept 1945. Japan signed her surrender papers in September. Germany signed their surrender papers in May 1945.

What was Germany's long term purpose of the blitz?

The Blitz was intended to demoralise the British in to surrendering to Germany. It was hoped that the immense damage and civilian casualties would force Britain to surrender but they didn't.

Germany surrendered how long after Hitler's death?

one week

How was the end of World War 1 and World War 2 similar?

The major similarity was the surrender of Germany. The long-term outcomes were completely different.

How long did world war 2 last for Britain?

Britain declared war on Germany after Hitlers Army entered Poland on the 3rd September 1939. Hostility's ended May 8th 1945.

Why did Germany have to surrender in ww1?

They lost and had no choice. Once America joined England's side, Germany's side got crushed. America tried to stay out of it for a long time. America only joined world war 1 when Germany attacked British civilians, including children.

How long did Adolf Hitler lead Germany?

He was leader of Germany from 1934 until his death.

What was Hitlers term for his long-term program for the Jews?

The "Final Solution"

How long did it take the Americans to get control of Germany after D-day?

About 9 months, but it was the allies, not just the Americans. D-Day was 6/6/44 but Germany didn't surrender until 5/9/45. Even after that, problems existed for several months.

What did they do with hitlers body once he died?

This article details what happened to hitlers body- it isn't long.

How long was Hitlers invasion of Poland?

The Invasion of Poland was from 1 September - 6 October 1939