a long time
Plan was conceived in the Spring of 1943, the actual escape to place on March 24-25, 1945.
30 days
For a start, it was not only America who destroyed Hitler, for about 3 years the Russians bore the brunt of WW II, along with Great Britian, Canada, Australia etc.
Antisemitism and the Great Depression.
Young women fled into the growing industrial cities, seeking jobs and opportunity. These women discovered they could escape there.
The Long Island Expressway will take you right to it
20 years
it tooke 5years at most
the tunnel construction lasted from Sep 15, 1987 and Dec 10, 1993.
2 hours. If the train is one mile long and going 1 mile per hour through a mile long tunnel, in one hour the train would be completely inside the tunnel, since they are the same length and the train is only going one full tunnel length(mile) per hour. It would then take another whole hour for the end of the train to leave the tunnel, bringing the train completely out of the tunnel.
You can, however it would not do a great deal to aleviate the problem.
It took slaves an average of 15 months to escape if they started at the beginning of the Underground Railroad. The escape route was 234 miles long.
Counting from the moment when the front end of the train enters the tunnel until themoment when the rear end of the train leaves the tunnel, 9 minutes will elapse.
Depends how big the hole is!
It took Houdini around two minutes to fuly escape the milk can.
for minutes and 1 sec.
The Mercy tunnel took 6 years to build. The original proposal to build the Mercy tunnel goes back to 1825. Construction did not start until 1879.