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Just over six months with the first landings on 7 August 1942
to 9 February 1943 when American Forces announced the end
of hostilities.

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Q: How long did the battle of the coral sea last?
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How long was the battle of coral sea?

4 days.

How long was the coral sea battle?

Four days.

What happened at the battle of coral sea and what was the outcome?

The Battle of the Coral Sea is a long story so I have added a link for you to read the entire story.

How many days did the battle of coral sea last?

4 Days

Maps of the battle of the coral sea?

See website-Battle of the Coral Sea

Where was the battle of the coral sea fought?

coral sea

What year was the battle of the Coral sea?

The Battle of the Coral Sea was May 4-8, 1942.

How many men were fighting in the Battle of the Coral Sea?

See website: Battle of the Coral Sea

Coral sea casualties?

See website: Battle of the Coral Sea

What was the first battle in which the enemy ships never saw each other?

The Battle of Coral Sea

What was the total number of ships in The Battle of Coral Sea?

That data is documented on the Battle of the Coral Sea website.

Who were the key leaders in the battle of coral sea?

The website:"Battle of the Coral Sea" lists all of that data.