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The Vietnam War Memorial, "The Wall", lists over 58,000 names of those who were killed during the conflict. I am a Vietnam Vet, and am somewhat embarassed to admit I do not know the exact number for you.

According to American War and Military Operations Casualties: Lists and Statistics, a report completed by Hannah Fischer for Knowledge Services Group, there were 58,209 U.S. military members killed in the Vietnam War. Of these, 47,424 were combat related with 10,785deaths from other causes. There were a total of 8,744,000U.S. military personnel who took part in the Vietnam War.

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16y ago

Approximately 2,594,000 US Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Sailors, and Coast Guardsmen fought in Vietnam during it's duration. Of that figure, approximately 500,000 were "in country" all at the same time for a period of time. At it's height, approximately 25,000 men were in the "field" on any one given day (an average). Subtracting a certain percentage of men who are rotating between base camps during "stand downs", anywhere from 475,000 down to 450,000 men were conducting or assigned to "support duties", e.g. truck drivers, administrative personnel, medical corps, K-9 corps, engineers, aircraft maintenance personnel, military policemen, cooks, supply personnel, etc. The general rule at the time was, it took 5 men to support one fighting man. He had to be fed, supplied, transported, patched up, and paid.

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13y ago

58,220 dead; 1,719 missing; 303,635 wounded - Wikipedia

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12y ago

Over 58,000 U.S. military died during the Vietnam War.

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17y ago

58,226 American soldiers died in Vietnam or were listed as missing in action.

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16y ago

Over 58,000 US servicemen were killed in the Vietnam War.

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Over 58,000 US servicemen were killed.

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About 38,209 US soldiers were killed in Vietnam. The other dead 20,000 men were Airmen, Marines, and Sailors.

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About 1,157 Wisconsin men died in the Vietnam War.

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California sacrificed 5,573 men to the war.

About how many people did the United States loose in the Vietnam war?

58,000 men killed.

How American men were killed in the Vietnam War?

More than 58,000 Americans lost their lives during the Vietname War.

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About 8,000 Australian servicemen fought in the Vietnam War. Approximately 600 were killed there.

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Over 2,000 US helicopter crewmen were KIA in the Vietnam War.

How many American soldiers were killed and how many were injured in Vietnam war?

Counting airmen, marines, coast guardsmen, US sailors and US soldiers (Army); over 58,000 men dead, over 300,000 men wounded.

How many army men killed Vietnam?

58,209 dead. 153,303 wounded. 2,489 were missing in action.

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Over 14,800 US Marines died in Vietnam, but some were tank crewmen or aviators.

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Over 52,000 US enlisted men were killed, and approximately 6,600 officers died in Vietnam.

How many people in Logan County IL served in the Vietnam War?

The state of Illinois lost 2,929 men killed in the Vietnam War. The website Vietnam War Casualties by state, lists those men by name, state, and city/district.