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Before WW2 there were about 2100 Norwegian Jews in Norway. Mostly of them were aither sent to consentrations camps in Poland or they escaped to Sweden.

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Q: How many Jews were in Norway during World War 2?
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How many Jews died in austeria during world war 2?

About 65,000 Jews were killed in Austria during the Holocaust.

How many Jews were murded during world war 2?

Six Million

What did many of the surviving European Jews do during and after world war 2?

from what i know they hid

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How many Jews really died during second world war?

6 million

What did Sweden do during World War II?

Sweden assisted with hiding the Jews. Denmark sent many Jews by boat to Sweden. They gave them a place to live and food. Some stayed there after the war and others went to various countries after the war. Sweden help with underground network tasks too for Norway and Finland.

What was used to kill six million Jews during world war 2?

Jews were sent to death camps where diseases spread and many germans killed jews there.

How many out of every 10 Jews were killed during World War 2?

During the Holocaust 6.85 Million Jews were killed during World War 2. Global Population of Jews by 1933 was Around 16 Million. So 6.85 Million/16 Million = 42.8%. It has been agreed that between 40% and 45% of the Global Jewish Population were killed during World War 2. So 4.2 in every 10 Jews were killed during World War 2 and the Holocaust.

How many people died during the World War 2 final solution?

6 million jews

What did Adolf Hitler whant to do?

adolf Hitler wanted to rid the world of the Jews who he believed were the scum of the earth, during the holocaust Hitler killed many Jews.

How many Swedish Jews died in World War 2?

Sweden was not invaded by the Nazis, so Swedish Jews were safe.

How are world war 2 and Israel connected?

World War 2 and Israel are connected in that many of the people who were killed during this war were Jews.