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2 - George McKillingham
- Michael McGunshot

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

over 58,159 U.S. servicemen and women died in the war.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

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Q: How many US servicemen were killed in Vietnam from friendly fire?
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Use friendly fire in a sentence?

-A soldier got killed in a case of friendly fire. -A soldier got killed by friendly fire. (I believe both are right :) )

How ma ny men were kil by friendly fire in Vietnam?


What state was Stonewall Jackson killed in friendly fire?


How many were killed by friendly fire in World War 2?


How many soldiers in Iraq are killed by friendly fire?

There has been atleast 200 deaths from friedly fire.

What did the confederates lost at chanellorville?

Lee won at Chancellorsville, but Stonewall Jackson was killed by friendly fire.

How many people were killed in the Cold War?

382 American military personnel were killed in direct combat with Soviet, North Korean, Yugoslavian, Chinese, Cuban, and other Communist guerrilla forces outside the Vietnam & Korean wars between 1945 - 1991. Additionally, thousands more were killed while stationed overseas and training for potential conflict with Communist bloc forces. In the Federal Republic of Germany, over 2300 American servicemen died between 1965 - 1975 alone. It is impossible to know how many personnel from the opposing forces were killed. But in addition to enemy action, friendly fire, and accidents, those attempting to defect were routinely killed.

Who was first American casualty in Vietnam war?

Over 58,000 US servicemen killed. Over 300,000 US servicemen wounded.

Which of Napoleon's Marshal's of the Empire was probably killed in a 'Friendly Fire' incident?

Josef Antoni Poniatowski of Poland.

What are the effects of the Gaza War?

In January 2009 1,284 palestinians had been killed, 6 IDF by enemy fire and 3 IDF by friendly fire.

Who stood and would not retreat during the civil war?

Stonewall Jackson never retreated in the Civil War, and yet he wasn't even killed by the enemy he was killed from friendly fire.

Is intentional fire on a friendly considered friendly fire or does friendly fire only apply to accidental fire on friendlies?

Intentional fire on friendly forces is not "friendly fire" - it's generally considered murder (or an attempt at it). The all-encompassing term which includes both instances would be fratricide.