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The three main axis partners were Germany, Japan, and Italy.

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Q: How many axis in war?
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How many axis were killed during World War 2?

Around 15.3 Million Axis people were killed during world war 2. 58% being Axis Military Deaths.

Why were so many nations in World War 2?

Many went to war because they were attacked by the Axis powers - not by choice.

How did the Axis Forces win World War 1?

There was no Axis powers in World War I--and the Axis powers LOST World War II.

Did the allies or the axis start the war?

The axis.

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How many axis solders were killed in World War 2?

See: Wikipedia World War II Casualties.

How were the Allied countries different from the Axis countries?

The Allies were democracies and only went to war reluctantly. (Many say that they waited too long). The Axis countries were dictatorships and fought a war of aggression.

How many troops did the allies axis have before during and after world war 2?


Axis forces involved in the Vietnam war?

Wrong war. WW2 Axis was Germany, Japan, and Italy.

What countries were at war in World War II?

USA Germany British france Japan And many more But they were grouped into the allies and the axis.

Who where the axis in world war 2?

The Axis were Germany, Italy and Japan.

How many axis soldiers were killed durin World War 2?

Over 6 million.