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They were all sunk or scuttled (intentionally sunk).

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Q: How many battleships and subs did the Germans have at the end of World War 1?
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What ships were used by US in world war 2?

Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, and Subs

What is Germans unseen boat?

Subs (Submarines).

What were World War 2 U-boats like?

Like almost any other nation's submarines; they were just subs. It just so happens that Germans call their subs U-boats (under-sea boats).

Did US or German subs sink more ships?

The Germans sunk more, cause the US didn't have many, and most of them were in the Pacific.

What nation attacked great British shipping with submarine warfare?

Germany used subs because they were cheaper and quicker to build than battleships.

How many subs were lost during World War 2?

Most subs that were lost we're on Germany's side because they employes the most subs, and after the code was broken subs began sinking on the German side routinely.

What provoked the US during world war 1?

It was partly the sinking of the Luisitania and the fact that the Germans declared that they would use their subs against any ship they wanted to.

What tactic did the British use to stop supplies from reaching Germany during World War 1?

well the Germans used subs to sink boats supplying England

How many ships were at the Battle of Midway and what type were they carriers destroyers battleships subs?

USN had 3 carriers and 50 support vessels; IJN had 4 carriers, 7 battlehips and 150 support vessels.

Did the british have any subs in World War 2?

Yes. Midget subs.

Tussy has how many subs?

461k subs how much is that.

How many subs in a world cup match?

In the EPL...3 Subs Universally in the main its also 3 subs