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The number was probably in the billions and has never been accurately determined. (Who was counting when the Nazis fired numerous machine gun shots at Jewish concentration camp victims and then dumped them into mass graves?)

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13y ago
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13y ago

7.62x39 was Russian standard, 7.62x52 was Russian sniper

British had .303 British sniper bullets, I'm not sure about standard

Germans used a variety, .308, 7.62... both I'm sure of, was more

Americans used 7.62x39 , maybe 5.56 as well, not sure. Also used .308.

There were many more, other people please fill this in.

PS: Check out 20mm guns. (50 cal is ~14mm)

PPS: 20mm is big enough for explosive bullets

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Armor Piercing



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12y ago

For the United States, it was about 7 billion bullets. Globally, is unknown.

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16y ago

your a loser its not wwii it ww2 da

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over 2 gizilon

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Q: How many bullets got made for world war 2?
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