From September 2nd, 1945 and up to March 9th, 2009: 23,053 days have passed since World War II ended.
There have been few days of peace since 1914. In between the major wars of WW1 1914-1918, WW2 1939-1945, Korea 1955-1953, Vietnam (1952-1975 (French and US forces), Desert Storm 1990-1991, Post 9/11 (2001-present), there was the French-Algeria conflict, Vietnam-China, 4 Israeli-Arab wars with virtually daily terrorist attacks by the PLO, PFLP, and others from 1947-present, Sri Lanka, 4-Indo Pak Wars, 2 China-Indian wars, Colombia vs FARC, Peru vs Sendero Luminoso, the Argentine 'Dirty War' against its own people, Serbs vs Bosnia, the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Russia-Chechnya.
Ninjas have been around since the days of Noah of the Bible. Ninjas shall always be around.
Nothing. He killed himself 9 days before the war in Europe ended.
the second world war ended in late April, early May it was ended when Hitler commited suicide on April 30th, 1945
Bounty hunters have been around ever since the days of the Revolutionary War. But their skills and such progressed and/or changed over the yearsh
Nobody knows that for sure.
An estimated 4 million copies of "Around the World in 80 Days" by Jules Verne have been sold worldwide since its publication in 1873.
IT IS THE 18th march 2011 it has been 12,943 days since 16th June 1976
As of 2017, there have been 16 leap days since the 10th of February, 1955.
its from June 11 to July 11 so 1 month 31 days
It has been seventeen days since I last saw them.
This question was asked and answered on the 27th of April, so it has been 27 days since March.
As today is December 20, 2010 it has been 310 days since February 13. 2010.
637 days
84 days
47 days
There have been around 13,865 days since June 6, 1986.