The number of men in a Division of any army depends on a number of factors, - the type of Division ( Infantry, Artillery, Logistics etc) , whether the country is on a war footing and possibly if this is a regular or reserve Division. -I generally use a 'rule of thumb' of 15,000 men per Division.
In World War 1 Australian and British divisions were made out of the same amount of men. A Brigade gad 4000 men and a division was made out of 3 Brigades and artillery. So around about 12,000 men.
In the case of Pickett's division (famous from the movie Gettysburg) there were 6,260 men in the charge. Almost half, 2,655 to be exact, were either killed, wounded or captured.
Answer Initially, the 101st Airborne Division had 8,596 man strength. The airborne Division was smaller than an infantry division, which had approximately 15,000 men. The Airborne Division had 3 Regiments made up of 3 battalions consisting of 3 companies. The infantry had 3 regiments divided into 3 battalions of 4 companies Later in the war, the Airborne Divisions were increased to four three-battalion regiments and had an assigned strength of well over 12,335.
The order of battle of invasion troops for OLYMPIC/MAJESTIC were 14 Divisions: 10 Army Infantry, 1 Airborne and 3 USMC equal 450,000 combat and support troops staged at Okinawa.United States U.S. Sixth Army Yakushima and Koshikijima Islands - 40th Infantry Division (22,000 men)Tanegashima - 158th Infantry Regiment (7,600 men)Miyazaki - U.S. I Corps (95,000 men): 25th Infantry Division, 33d Infantry Division, 41st Infantry DivisionAriake - U.S. XI Corps (113,000 men): 1st Cavalry Division, 43d Infantry Division, Americal Division, 112th Cavalry RegimentKushikino - U.S. V Amphib Corps (99,000 men): 2nd Marine Div., 3d Marine Division, 5th Marine Division6th Army reserves - U.S. IX Corps (79,000 men): 77th Infantry Division, 81st Infantry Division, 98th Infantry Division;11th Airborne Division (15,000 men)
The Russian Empire
Division 1 men - 18 Division 2 men - 13.5 Division 1 women - 18 Division 2 women - 18
There are many, many sites online which offer opportunities to meet Russian women. It does appear that there are more sites catering to offer dating with Russian women, while much less to date Russian men.
Between 10,000 and 15,000
8 stupid
Volleyball is a college sport played by both men and women. There are interesting distinctions: women play in the fall and men play in the spring. Not only this, the NCAA sponsors many more women's volleyball programs than men's. There are 311 Division I Women's volleyball programs compared to 22 Division I Men's programs.
Harvard College Cambridge, MassachusettsArchery* Men's Club* Women's ClubBadminton* Men's Club* Women's ClubBaseball* Men's NCAA Division I* Men's IntercollegiateBasketball* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralBoxing* Men's Club* Women's ClubCheerleading* Men's Club* Women's ClubCross-Country* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralDiving* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateEquestrian* Men's Club* Women's ClubFencing* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubField Hockey* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Club* Women's ClubFootball* Men's NCAA Division IAA* Men's IntercollegiateFootball (Non-Tackle)* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralGolf* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateIce Hockey* Men's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralJudo* Men's Club* Women's ClubLacrosse* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Club* Women's ClubRowing (Crew)* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralRugby* Men's Club* Women's ClubSailing* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateSkiing* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Club* Women's ClubSoccer* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubSoftball* Women's NCAA Division I* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralSquash* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralSwimming* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralTable Tennis* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubTennis* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubTrack And Field* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateTrack: Indoor* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division ITrack: Outdoor* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division IVolleyball* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubWater Polo* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateWrestling* Men's NCAA Division I* Men's IntercollegiateFor the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (College Board) indicated below this answer box.
SportLevels AvailableBadmintonMen's ClubWomen's ClubBaseball Men's ClubBasketball Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIIMen's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateMen's IntramuralWomen's IntramuralBowling Men's IntramuralWomen's IntramuralCheerleading Men's ClubWomen's ClubCross-Country Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIIMen's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateMen's IntramuralWomen's IntramuralMen's ClubWomen's ClubDiving Men's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateEquestrian Men's ClubWomen's ClubFencing Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIIMen's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateFootball (Non-Tackle) Men's IntramuralWomen's IntramuralGolf Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIIMen's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateIce Hockey Men's ClubWomen's ClubLacrosse Men's ClubWomen's ClubRacquetball Men's ClubWomen's ClubRowing (Crew) Men's ClubWomen's ClubSoccer Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIIMen's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateMen's IntramuralWomen's IntramuralSoftball Women's ClubSquash Men's ClubWomen's ClubSwimming Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIIMen's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateTable Tennis Men's ClubWomen's ClubTennis Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIIMen's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateTrack And Field Men's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateTrack: Indoor Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIITrack: Outdoor Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIITriathlon Men's ClubWomen's ClubUltimate Frisbee Men's ClubWomen's ClubVolleyball Men's NCAA Division IIIWomen's NCAA Division IIIMen's IntercollegiateWomen's IntercollegiateMen's IntramuralWomen's IntramuralWater Polo Men's ClubWomen's ClubWeightlifting Men's IntramuralWomen's IntramuralWrestling Men's NCAA Division IIIMen's IntercollegiateOther sports: biathlon, billiards, cycling, kendo, hiking, tae kwon do
it's about 125.000 Russians was killed during the Russian civil war
1,000 schools participate at the NCAA division 2
An infantry division consists of between ten thousand and thirty thousand men.
For the 2006 season, there were 119 division 1-A teams and 111 division 1-AA teams.