The first effective draft by the federal government, called for all men between the ages of 18 and 40 to be enrolled into local militia units.The first was the Confederate Draft during the Civil War, calling for all men from ages of 18-35 to join the Confederate army
During the course of the war, one million men fought for the South
is it 16-40
the answer is not zero but i do not know how many there was i guess around 5000 NEW RESPONDENT The Confederate Army at the battle of Chattanooga had 64,000 men.
It destroyed the Army of Tennessee, leaving only one major Confederate army still in the field. When Confederate Lieutenant General John Bell Hood entered into this battle against the Union led army of Major General George H. Thomas, the Army of the Cumberland, Hood had 30,000 men. At the end of this 1864 2 day battle he had less than 10,000 men.
estimation say from 500,000 men to 2,000,000 men.
Grant's Union Army employed about 125,000 men. Lee's Confederate Army employed about 60,000 men
The first effective draft by the federal government, called for all men between the ages of 18 and 40 to be enrolled into local militia units.The first was the Confederate Draft during the Civil War, calling for all men from ages of 18-35 to join the Confederate army
During the course of the war, one million men fought for the South
On December 31, 1863, the Confederate army had 465,000 troops. This figure is slightly lower than June 30, 1863 when the Confederate army totaled 473,000 men.
is it 16-40
The Union army was nearly twice as large as the Confederate army in the US Civil War. The confederate army had a strength of 1,064,000 troops while the Union Army had a strength of roughly 2,100,000 troops.
the answer is not zero but i do not know how many there was i guess around 5000 NEW RESPONDENT The Confederate Army at the battle of Chattanooga had 64,000 men.
With men, material and leadership to the fullest extent of its capacity.
Stonewall Jackson was a Confederate General.
Lee surrendered his Confederate Army of Northern Virginia to Grant's Union Army of the Potomac.?
Confederate Provisional President Jefferson Davis created the first Confederate army in March of 1861. He called for 100,000 men to serve for twelve months. The army's name was the Provisional Army of the Confederate States. Davis named its first office, Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard to the position of brigadier general. He was a USMA graduate.