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The US first tried to establish a draft for use in the War of 1812, but the Congress denied James Madison's request. Prior to the US Civil War, the various colonies and later States provided the Militias and the Federal government forces in a manner that they deemed appropriate, usually by providing a bounty for their enlistment. Lincoln received the authority for a federal draft, but the number actually drafted into service was quite small, totalling only about two percent of the force. WWI brought on the first large scale conscription effort. The third draft was for WWII and it expired as the Law of the Land in 1947 after a total of 10 million men had been inducted. Draft number four was put into place in 1948 and covered the Cold War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and ended in December of 1972. The framework for a future draft is in place, but for now, the US operates with an all volunteer force.

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16y ago
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9y ago

The question does not indicate a nation with any draft laws. If speaking about the US Civil War, the first draft in American history was created in the South in 1862 and in the North in 1863. Other US wars also had a draft, and also a peace time draft as well. US President Nixon abolished the US draft.

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16y ago

For the US: US Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, and the Vietnam War.

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16y ago

The first was the US Civil War (1861-1865), then WW1, WW2, Korean War, the last was the Vietnam War (1961-1975).

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13y ago

The US Civil War was the first, the Vietnam War was the last. In between those two wars were: WW1, WW2, and that's five wars

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14y ago

The draft was discontinued in 1973.

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