Many,many people on the movie But none in real life.
Personally, he didn't kill that many if any. However, he is directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of 6 million people--at least.
About 6,000,000 People were killed, mostly jews.
about 5
Many people believed that Francisco Franco was a strongarm ruler and a fascist. He ruled Spain with an iron hand for several decades.
Francisco Franco has 1 child
Francisco Franco has 1 child
During WW II and for many years afterwards, the dictator of Spain was Generalissimo Francisco Franco.
That depends on which era you are talking about. In the 16th century it was William of Orange who led the Dutch revolt against Spain. In the 19th century it was Simon Bolivar who led the revolution in many of Spain's colonies in South America. In the 1930's it was Francisco Franco, who started Spain's civil war.
6 million people
if they kill people all of them
Hammers don't kill people. People kill people.
He invented nitroglycerin - explosives - kill people
About 3,000,000
180 men