There cannot be a correct answer to that question. Some days there will be 1,000 deaths and the next day no one would die. It is impossible to know the exact.
519,781 people per day die No one can say how many people get killed every day as many deaths are not reported. The world death rate is approximately 150,000 per day
There was 11,000 people inthe nazi army on D-Day.
We Celebrate Independence day because it occurs once a year to remember the noble cause which most of the Philippines heroes sacrifice for many people.
Approximately 10,000 men died on D-Day, about 5,000 on each side
Many people each day but it is not quite clear how many to be exact because a different number goes every day.
How many people die a day in Texas
A lot of people.
About 41 people die each day from drunk driving.
There is no way of really knowing because more and more people start to play paintball each day.
Approximately 1500 people die each day in the u.s., 3,400 people are diagnosed
too many
The exact number of people who have beards throughout the world is unknown. This is because people are growing and shaving beards each and every day.
Because music makes your day better ;)
There is not an actual number of how many people run each day. Thousands of people all over the world run as a form of exercise each day. Some people run daily and others run a few days a week.
About 7 people are shot in Egypt each day