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Lets say in the war, USSR lost about 50 million people. Stalin, when he got word of Hitler invading, he sended like 10 mil. people to his relocation camps, some of them in Siberia. Now, if i were to include freezing to death, i'd say about 15 million people. think about it.

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9y ago

Most experts put the figure at around 20 million Russian military & civilians killed. 11,000,000 soldiers 6,700,000 civilians No definitive tally exists and many believe that Stalin made the numbers 'look lower' - I have read a figure as high as 27 million, this is the highest number that I have ever seen. Most historians believe that the Soviet Union was quite literally decimated, losing a full 10% of its population which was about 17-18 million total people lost. Over 11,000,000 11,700,000 Soviets - including soldiers and civilians died during WWII Interesting question this, as it has been amended since the fall of the Soviet Empire, just like the Jewish deaths have been revised. At the end of the war, the Soviets had won, and thus controlled the media and all news of the war from the eastern half of Europe. They reported that about 8 million soldiers had died in combat or of wounds suffered. Another 12 million civilians had died from all causes - cross fire, starvation, etc. This total of 20 million dead made the Soviet peoples appear to have suffered terribly from the war, much more so than the western nations. Stalin used these losses as a propaganda tool and it was helpful in allowing the Soviets to expand their empire over Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. after the war. After all, the Soviet people had suffered so much already, how could the west stand up them morally? Since the collapse of the Evil Empire, it has become apparent that not 20 million Soviet peoples died, but around 25 million. Why the deception? I suspect that with 20 million dead, Stalin had all the propaganda he needed to extort concessions from the west. However, had he revealed the true, 25 million dead, it would have been realized in the west than the Soviets were much weaker at wars end than they appeared. Regardless of the Soviet 'moral superiority due to losses' the west would not have allowed the Soviets to enslave and brutalize eastern Europe had they thought the Soviets were weak. Thus the answer should be about 25,000,000 from all causes. 27 millions, or recently the number 26.5 million has appeared. The best research shows somewhat over 8 million military losses, added to those are 3.3 or so POW's who died in German captivity, thus bringing the number to over 11 million, the rest were civilian deaths or partisan. There are further breakdowns, for example 2 million died of hunger on the Soviet 'homefront' etc. Only from June to September 1941, 3.3 million soldiers were killed in Barbarossa towards Moscow. 3.3 million in 3 months. Including soldiers, citizens, and everyone in between, over 20 million people died in World War II


Around 25 million soviets died during that war. Also, Russians where treated a lot worse in the camps than the Western prisoners of war because USSR was not a signatory of the Geneva Convention. Almost all Russian prisoners of war died in German camps, mostly from starvation, (as did most German war prisoners in Russian camps).

The figure that I have heard is 26.5 million Soviet dead. This includes 14,500,000 military dead. 3.3 million of these died in German camps. Keep in mind most estimates were low and this estimate takes into account that Soviet Authority did not want to reveal the true amount of soldiers killed as it would both deplete moral and reveal that the Soviet military was not as efficient as it seemed.

Growing up in the Soviet Union we were thought in a history class about 22 million dead from 1941-1945


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At the time it was the cccp (communist peoples Russia or something) and its hard to say because of the lack of information released from Russia about ww2 but I've heard estimates in the 10s of millions
All American Scorsese are incorrect about Russia's lost. The Russian government counted all the alive people and all the people that died. The numbers added up to what the population was before the World War 2. In 1930, Russia had 180 million people. ANSWER: 41,000,000 Russians died in WW2.
20 million

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18y ago

Approximately 20,000,000 (twenty million). Michael Montagne 20 mln is a number calculated during Brezhnev's rule. The modern estimation is 26...30 mln. Military losses are 8...9 mln. Exact data is unavailable. According to the latest research conducted by the Russian military historian team lead by Gen. A. Gareev total losses of USSR in manpower were ~27 mln people. Out of those 27 mln. people - 13 mln. were military losses, i.e. killed at battlefield, died in hospitals, died after demobilization due to injuries, lost in combat or died being a POW. By the way, Red Army lost 5 mln. people as POWs, majority during the first months of war, out of which 3 mln. died while in prison. Losses of civilian population were 14 mln. people, out of which: ~1 mln. died in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) due to starvation, were frozen to death or killed due to air or artillery bombardments; ~8 mln civilians were killed on the territory of Ukraine; ~2.5 - 3.0 mln (~25% of total pre-war population!) were killed in Belorussia. Research was done based on USSR archive documents, which became available in the last decade. I

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11y ago

If you go to the related question, "How many people died in World War 2?" you will see that there isn't one answer, but the estimates range from around 45 million to 65 million. These figures are intended to represent the number of DEAD (as opposed to "casualties," which include dead, wounded and missing in action), and include civilian as well as military killed.

Personally, I tend to use the figure of 60 million, but like any other number you might pick, it's only a number. The true intent is to give some idea of the human cost of World War 2, which by any accounting was almost unbelievable, except that you have the fact of the war and the fact that millions died - so many millions that we can't even make an accurate count.

Yet we humans continue playing with war and finding all sorts of reasons to justify the cost in lives, when what I think we really need to be doing (and now I'm on my soap box), especially in this nuclear age, is figuring out some way of settling political (and yes, religious) differences without killing each other. And I say this as a proud veteran, although I was never in a war.

Whether 45 million or 65 million, the death of one single person due to war is one too many. And the hope that WW2 settled it for all time is specious: World War 1 was supposed to be The War To End Wars, and there were some 40 million casualties in that one. Again, we don't know the exact figure simply because there were too many to count.

Remember what Dwight D. Eisenhower said: "I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity."

During world war two (1939-1945) died over 60 million people, both military and civilians on both sides and in all the involving countries. Nobody knows exactly how many that died but from 55 to 65 million died during the war.

The factors where not only due to the fights or bombings themselves, but also because of genocide, not least from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Nazi Germany was building concentration camps to kill ethnical groups because of fascist causes.

Of a total, the concentration camps killed approximately 11 million people.

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14y ago

There is no exact record of how many people world wide died from sicknesses during World War 2 because it was not an age of computer records and millions were simply buried and never were reported to officials. There were also crooked officials who did not record a lot of the deaths. Did you know that a little more than half of the deaths in both world wars were due to worldwide epidemics of flu, starvation, exposure to the cold and extreme heat, insect bites, snake bites, infections of wounds, bites, cuts, scrapes and tropical diseases? Some of the injuries sustained did cause death but often times after the war so that added to the total count of deaths during the war time. More civilians died in World War 2 than did military personnel.

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The exact figure is unknown but it is estimated at around 26 million.

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16y ago

44 million

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