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the amount of people that was in the death and consentration camps is 40.000 peoople

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Q: How many people went to adolf hitlers consentration camp?
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What did anne take with her to the consentration camp?


Was it better for a child to be in a consentration camp with their family or be outside of a consentration camp but with a different family?

Inside they would likely die, outside they were less likely to die.

How long was the consentration camp Dachau running?

The camp at Dachau was operational for about twelve years.

What where the Responsibilities of the Jews during Adolf Hitler?

The Jews where at concentration camp during Adolf Hitlers time so they had to work for there food some sorted clothes, some pulled weeds, and some worked in the kitchen.

What number was stamped on Anne frank in the consentration camp?


What consentration camp was otto frank sent to?

Otto Frank was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp.

What date did Margot frank get the consentration camp letter?

July 6, 1942

Where did Jose f mengele do his experiments at?

Dr. Josef Mengele did his experiments at the Birkenau Extermination Camp, connected to the imfamous Auschwitz Consentration Camp.

Did anne frank have a husband?

No she was way to young and she also did not have the chance to be before her death in the consentration camp

What year was Bergen- Belson consentration camp created?

Bergen-Belsen was originally created in 1943.

When was anne frank betrayed?

She was betrayed on the 4 of October 1944 and were tken to a consentration camp in westbrook, Then on to auschwitz

When was anne frank sent to a consentration camp?

She was sent to concentration camp in August 1944, She was only 14 when the Nazis taken her and her family. Hope it helps!!