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he had 3 all brothers all younger than him

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Q: How many siblings did Rene Magritte have?
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Did Rene Magritte have siblings?

yes 2 brothers-Paul Magritte & Raymond Magritte

What is Rene Magritte's painting style?

Rene Magritte is a surrealist painter

What was Rene Magritte favorite painting?

Rene Magritte's favorite painting was the Gonconda.

Who are Rene magritte parents?

leopold magritte and adeline Magritte

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What business did Rene magritte start?

Rene Magritte was a business manager in a theatre in London before he started painting.

How old would Rene Magritte be if he was alive?

Rene Magritte was born in 1898 so in 2011 he would be 113.

What is Rene magrittes parents names?

Rene Magritte's parents were Leopold Magritte and Regina Bertinchamps.

Is Rene Magritte still alive?

No, René Magritte died in 1967.

Is Rene Magritte a good artist?

Lastly it is up to you you to decide. But Magritte is appreciated by many and is in all the art history books.

Why is Rene Magritte historically significant?

Rene Magritte is most renowned for being a surrealist painter and his paintings are very innovative and unique.

Did Rene Magritte have any awards?

Yes, Rene Magritte received the Guggenheim International Award for Belgium in 1965.