Rickenbacker shot down 26 enemy aircraft in World War I.
How many of the pilots were killed is not known, nor is the number of ground troops he might have killed.
To kill as many enemy soldiers as possible
Certainly - but not as many as disease.
no? yes they were children were strapped with grenades and would walk up to soldiers and kill themselves and the soldiers.
Both. They captured the most valiant of their enemy and in a ceremony on top of one of their many pyramids, the priest cut out the soldiers heart and held it up for all to see -- still beating.
abour 1000000 Though many Russian soldiers were not even armed but simply told to run in and kill the Germans with whatever they could find.
In October 1942 Eddie Rickenbacker was aboard a B-17 that was forced to ditch in the Pacific Ocean. He and most of the crew were finally rescued on 13th November after 24 days lost at sea.
To kill as many enemy soldiers as possible
To kill as many enemy soldiers as possible
Certainly - but not as many as disease.
He killed 13 and wounded 30.
The climax happens towards the end of the novel when Eddie meets Tala and she says "You burn me. You make me fire" (188). This is the climax because throughout the novel we see that Eddie has been tormented his entire life, after the war, not knowing if he had killed an innocent child in the burning hut. He has experienced many nightmares and could never seem to get that scene out of his mind. It is here that Eddie sees he did kill an innocent child in the war and that he was not hallucinating as the other soldiers had thought.
A total of 102 for rape or murder and Private Eddie Slovik for desertion.
John Lennon played many different guitars. The one he is most commonly associated with is the black Rickenbacker.
Many Ways: Burn, Gas, Shoot, Kill, Stab, blow em up
Usually many soldiers will typically not have to kill any past the one digit mark but more often they don't kill anyone.