in the union, 261 ppl killed, 108 injured, they also had 1 frigate sunk, one sloop-of-war sunk and one frigate damaged.
the confederacy had 7 killed and 17 ppl injured. they also had one ironclad damaged.
PS i know this cause i had a research paper to do of the battle of Hampton roads. ;)
80,000 soldiers died during the battle of the bulge
2,246 Union soldiers died in that battle. The Confederates lost 1,495 soldiers.
nearly 1,000 british soldiers died
18 u.s soldiers died in the battle of Mogadishu
None. It was a naval battle.
80,000 soldiers died during the battle of the bulge
70,000 soldiers died during the Third Battle
2,246 Union soldiers died in that battle. The Confederates lost 1,495 soldiers.
nearly 1,000 british soldiers died
18 u.s soldiers died in the battle of Mogadishu
Fallen soldiers are soldiers who have died in the line of duty.
None. It was a naval battle.
It was a naval engagement. Few or no soldiers died.
None. It was a naval battle.
350 soldiers died
2,000 NEW RESPONDENT 481 Union soldiers were killed in the Battle of Manassas.
There were 753 reported Union soldiers killed during the Battle of Chattanooga.