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there were 17million tanks and 572million shots fired.

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Less than 1,000.

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it was about two dollars lol

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Q: How many tanks did they make at world war 1?
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What happened to the surviving tanks after World War 2?

Tanks that were still in good condition were used in the Korean War. Many tanks and planes were scrapped and the metal melted down to make new jet planes.

How many Canadian Tanks were used during World War 2?

Canada only had 4,601 tanks in World War 2.

How many British tanks were lost in World War 2?

32 british tanks were lost during world war 2

Did world war 1 have tanks?

Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.

How many tanks did the US have prior to world war 1?


How many American vehicles were there in world war 2?

There were many American vehicles in World War 2. These vehicles included the Army tanks, armored cars, cruiser tanks, infantry tanks, and armored personnel carriers.

How many tanks were built in world war 1?

about 10000

How many tanks in world war 2?

over 5000

How many tanks were used in world war 2 in America?

a few

How many tanks and aircraft's were used in World War 1?


How many different types of tank did they make during world war 2?

whell if there was grass fairies involved there was 69 tanks

How many tanks are where there in the world war 2?

Have fun counting the tanks from this list on this link.