

Best Answer
AnswerNot many wars still occur today as they did in the past. Discrimination against others does still go on. When you think back in history you can probably name many wars that occurred including the first and second world wars.

Today, the main war is The Gaza War, codenamed Operation Cast Lead by Israel, and known as the Gaza massacre in the Arab world, began on December 27, 2008 when Israel launched a military attack on the Gaza Strip. The stated aim of the operation was to stop Hamas rocket attacks on southern Israel and arms smuggling into Gaza.

AnswerAccording to Wikipedia twenty-seven ongoing conflicts exist in the world as of 04-09-10.

(Link below)

Of those, the following list provides information related to the cumulative deaths resulting from the most violent:

* Civil War in Afghanistan (5th Phase) 6000,000 - 2,000,000

* Iraq War 100,000-1,366,350 (see: Casualties of the Iraq War)

* Somali Civil War (6th Phase) 300,000[6] -400,000[7]

The main war then, according to the number of deaths would be the war in Afganistan.

According to, thirty-eight war conflicts exist in the world. This number does not include the so-called 'war' on drugs in the United States.

(Link below)

If you count all current conflicts where hostilities are still present, and conflicts that have ceased hostilities but are still unresolved there are approx 41. This includes the obvious conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as conflicts like the Korean War that have cease fires in place but are still unresolved and the 2 sides still stare at each other over a gun barrel. For a fairly accurate list please see the related link below.

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12y ago
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13y ago

There's Iraq War, and the South Ossetian Conflict between Georgia and Russia, and there's the war in Afganistan, the Tibetians trying to revolt, the Sudanese are commiting genocide and lots of other things I can't put my finger on at the momnt.

Out of 200 countries in the world, listed below are some 67 countries, which are presently at war, near war, or operating under piracy or runaway banditry.

Key: W = War, NW = Near War, P = Piracy, B = Runaway Banditry

  • Afghanistan - W
  • Albania - B, NW
  • Algeria - W
  • Armenia - W, B
  • Azerbaijan - W, B
  • Bangladesh - P
  • Bosnia - NW
  • Burma - W
  • Cambodia - B
  • Cameroon - B
  • Central Af. Rep. - B
  • Chad - W
  • Chechnya - W, B
  • China - W, NW
  • Corsica - NW
  • Croatia - NW
  • Cyprus - NW
  • Djibouti - NW
  • Egypt - NW
  • Eritrea - W, B
  • Ethiopia - W, B
  • Georgia - W, B
  • Guinea - W, B
  • Guinea-Bissau - W
  • India - W
  • Indonesia - W, P, B
  • Iraq - W
  • Iran - NW
  • Israel - W
  • Ivory Coast - NW
  • Kosovo - NW, B
  • Kuwait - NW
  • Kirgizstan - W
  • Laos - W, B
  • Lebanon - W, B
  • Liberia - NW, B
  • Libya -NW
  • Macedonia - NW
  • Malaysia - P, NW
  • Mali - B
  • Mauritania - B
  • Moldava - NW
  • Montenegro - NW
  • Morocco - NW
  • Nepal - W
  • Niger - B
  • Nigeria - B, NW
  • North Korea - NW
  • Pakistan - W, B
  • Philippines - W, B, P
  • Russia - W, B
  • Senegal - W
  • Serbia - NW
  • Sierra Leone - W, B, P
  • Solomon Is. - W
  • Somolai - W, B, P
  • South Korea - NW
  • Spratly Islands - NW
  • Sri Lanka - W
  • Sudan - W
  • Taiwan - NW
  • Tajikistan - W
  • Thailand - P, B
  • Turkey - W
  • Uzbekistan - W
  • Western Sahara - NW
  • Yemen - B
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14y ago

There have now been 2 great world wars between many different countries. There has been lots of little one's since but lets hope we don't have a 3rd world war.

But there are 27 current wars

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16y ago

Ofcourse there is alot of fluctuation in this, but it is said that at any given time about 30 conflicts are going on in the world

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13y ago

One and that's the war against the machines

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14y ago

Well I am not really sure, but there are some wars in Iraq.

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14y ago

As far as I know, there is at current more than 40 wars world wide. That are known, which excludes civil wars.

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