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Almost all the men who died in either army were white. Numbers in the Civil War defy exactness, but the best figures show that a total of 620,000 men died; 360,000 Yankees and 260,000 Rebels. Somewhere over 100,000 black men served in the northern armies, and according to the official figures of the US Army, 1800 of them died. That's about one-half of one per cent of the total Union dead.

Figures for non-military deaths are much more elusive.

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Newer casualty estimates are between 650,000 to 700,000 casualties for the US Civil War. Since Black soldiers entered the war later and in smaller numbers than whites, it can be logically assumed that over 90% of the casualties were white soldiers.

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Q: How many white people were killed during the Civil War?
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Which soldier during the world war 2 killed the most people?

Simo Häyhä, had a record high 505 confirmed kills in world war 2. he was nicknamed The White Death

How many South Carolinians died during the civil war?

One of the more painful costs of Confederate defeat was that 18,000 to 21,000 men, or one of every fourteen white South Carolinians, had been killed or mortally wounded or had died from disease.

What percentage of white males died during the US Civil War?

Of the white males who were between the ages of 13 and 43 in 1830, 8 percent of them died in the Civil War. Of those 8 percent, the number of white males from the South that died was three times higher than the number from the North.

What happened to the slaves after the Civil War?

got killed All the slaves in the Southern states were freed and became American citizens. The Northern slave states soon had to free their slaves also after the civil war. The slaves became equals to the white people with a few attitude tweaks and a couple amendments!

Who was Robert Gould Shaw?

He was a white Union officer who led the first African-American volunteer regiment in the Civil War. Colonel Robert Gould Shaw (1837-1863) was just 25 years old when he was killed leading a regiment of black soldiers, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, into battle during the American Civil War. The 1989 Civil War film "Glory" was a dramatization of Shaw's leadership of the regiment. Matthew Broderick portrayed Shaw, and the film also featured actors Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman.

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The KKK has killed white people. During the Civil Rights Movement, white people who supported the movement were killed as well.

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D. Ray White was a civil rights activist in Mississippi who was murdered in 1966. His killing was believed to be racially motivated due to his activism in fighting for the rights of African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement. His murder remains unsolved.

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the civil war had many effects on the civil war white women lost many people close to them and African Americans often would be beaten and or killed if they where to give any information to union soilders the civil war had many effects on women and African Americans. white women lost there husbans and relitives and African Americans would be beaten and our killed if cout giving information to union soilders

Where was Lincolns home after the civil War?

President Lincoln was still President, and living in the White House when he was killed.

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What was the rebellion of slaves that killed 55 white people?

Nat Turner was the slave that led a bloody uprising where 55-65 white people were killed. In retaliation, white militias killed 100-200 slaves, guilty or not.

What is the name of a boy killed during the Civil Rights movement?

Several males were killed during the Civil Rights movement. Are you asking about Emmett Till who was killed before the Civil Rights movement began but who's death is credited with helping to start the movement? A native of Chicago, he was visiting his uncle in a small town in Mississippi when he spoke "disrespectfully" to a white woman. Three days later he was kidnapped, beaten, murdered and his body was dropped into the Tallahatchie River.AnswerThere were three CORE workers who come to mind for most people. James Chaney who was a 21 year old black man, Michael Schwerner 24 who was white and Andrew Goodman 20, also white. They were murdered in Meridian, Mississippi on June 21st 1964. Authorities believe it was because Schwerner knew too much about KKK members.

Who would be a friend to the slaves during the civil war?

They people that would friends with them would be the kids that they takd care of and I would of be there friend because they were no different than white people!

What are the people called that had the white clothing and had a white pointy hat that killed people?

the ku klux klan the KKK

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The nurses in the Red Cross during the Civil War wore white dresses. This was to show how clean they were.

What was photography like during the civil war?

black and white and they had giant camers