China was a wild card during the Cold War. They fought the United States in the Korean War when they thought MacArthur might invade China; it had nothing to do with them being 'communist'. While many in the US Congress thought China automatically supported the USSR, that was incorrect. The Chinese wanted to be recognized by the US, and only supported the Soviets as a way of forcing the US to recognize them. After Nixon went to China, the Chinese took a pro-capitalist stance that made them the economic powerhouse they are today.
During the 1960's Red China and the Soviets, which border each other, were having some disputes. They actually had some border clashes in the 60's...we in the U.S. thought at one time that they might even go at it with nukes. Also people got mad that Mao wanted to create a modern communist society, by agriculturalization and industrialization.
No, neither* in area or population Improvement: That's not true. The reason that some sources (for example, Wikipedia) say that the United States is smaller than China is because it's counting disputed territories. Generally, both land and water area is being counted, but, if you add the disputed territories, then China gets bigger. If you were to take away the disputed territories, China gets smaller by approximately 300,000 km2 (actually 327,714 km2). That is still including water area.
Since the United States spends almost as much money on its military as all the rest of the countries in the world combined, one might expect they are the strongest. Howevr if you measure strenght in terms of number of people in unifrom then China has the largest military, though they are not nerarly as well treianed or equipped as the US military.
Possibly Cambodia & Laos; as they, unlike Thailand and Vietnam did not receive the full experience of the US's participation in war. That "experience" created an "exposure" to western technology. Additionally, Vietnam & Thailand have sea-ports; which enable them to trade with foreign nations. In a limited way, Cambodia might fare better than Laos in that aspect also.
since they were close to each other they helped each other
Korea was on China's eastern border and it played a key role in it's development.
the persian golf and caspian sea
Check the server has passive ftp enabled.
A Search Warrant.
in china(if ur in china) but if u r in america, there might be some on ebay, beezid, or if u go to, you might be able to ask and they might give you one, but u obviously hav to pay for it
Devices that are Bluetooth enabled are electronic devices for answering phones, listening to music, and playing games. Some of these devices include car stereos, smartphones, and mp3 players.
These are various reasons that someone from China might hate Japan. For example, it might be because of various atrocities committed by the Japanese.
hard to say. china might fail in war but japan can't occupy china forever.
You may be at a location that doesn't have wifi connectability. Or, you might be at a wifi location, but you might not have wifi settings (Settings > Wireless & Networks) turned on. Furthermore, even if you do have it turned on, that location might require a password to use it.
Most of our things, if you look at the labels on the things you bought, most of them might say 'made in china'
Some occasions that a person might use a china set is when a person collects items and sets of dolls and things. China is a very interesting collectible item.