The Royal Air Force had a 'bunker buster' weighing 22,000 pounds. However the most commonlyusedbombs by both sides were around 500 pounds.
hardly anything there are loads of them
a bomb shelter
3 hands weight =]
I dont have a clue you tell me
the atomic bomb was made to end the world war 2
a weight
The weight of an atomic bomb can vary depending on its design and yield. However, typical weights for atomic bombs used during World War II range from around 4,000 to 10,000 pounds.
The world was going through world war two. The atomic bomb ended the war.
20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 KG
hardly anything there are loads of them
The Second World War.
The atomic bomb was sopower full that japan surrendered a couple days after the second bomb. This nuclear weapon is what led World war II to an end. Not World war I
the atomic bomb
It was the Atomic bomb.
It was used in the world war two, its an atomic bomb!
a bomb shelter
Nuclear bomb.