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For a Lieutenant_Commanding, in charge of a Blockade Runner, the LT-CDR pulled down about it is rumored $5000 Per Mission, but, one adds, in Confederate Money which had little exchange value even in the deep south of Dixie! Blockade-Running was a hazardous war task with no direct modern Paralell exc ept for Guerilla or Insurgent actions during the Spanish Civil War, again Hell-For Leather in extremis, and no guarantee of steady pay checks!

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Related questions

When was The Blockade Runners created?

The Blockade Runners was created in 1865.

Which side needed blockade running?

The Confederates needed blockade-runners to bring in much-needed war supplies.

What were fast ships that dodged Union warships?

They were actually called blockade runners.

Confederate ships that broke through the North's line of defense were called?

D. Blockade Runners!

How did the south challenge the blockade during the civil war?

They hired privateers as blockade runners. Unfortunately, any ship quick enough to evade the blockade could not carry much cargo.

What were the ships that slipped through the union blockade called?

They were called Blockade Runners.

Where did the confederacy get most of their materials?

From the blockade-runners.

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What were ships called that were built by the confederacy to break the union blockade?

They are called Blockade Runners

What were the items that brought blockade-runners the most profit?

Guns and food were the items that brought independent blockade runners the most profit. Blockade runners were also used by the military in the South during the Civil War. A blockade runner is a smaller ship that could reach high speeds on the open seas.

How many confederate ships made it through the blockade in 1861?

5 out of 6 blockade runners were successful

How did the south challenge the blockade of southern ports?

By organising a system of blockade-runners. (See 'Gone with the Wind'.)