go to this site. It gives the pay by rank for all the services. http://www.militaryfactory.com/military_pay_scale.asp
Women helped the confederate army by, being spy's & nurses
It would depend on which army you mean and the precise rank.
army nurses
She was the superintendent of nurses for the union army.
Their pay is according to their rank/pay grade and time in service.
How much do registered nurses make a week?
There are nurses within each branch of the armed services.
They make 90-100,000 a year.
I make 18/hr. Im in ks
That depends on if their Jewish or not.
About 6 miles
About £19182398213 a year!
they join the army as nurses and hospital workers
According to a US Census report, male nurses earn 16 percent more than female nurses. As of 2014, male nurses make $60,700 a year.
Around 25-30000