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Q: How much does it cost to have curtains made?
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Related questions

How much do curtains cost?

The value of curtains is determined by the quality and material used to make them. You can find curtains for as low as $19. 99 and as high as $1,000 for curtains made with expensive material.

How much do curtains from Bed Bath and Beyond cost?

Curtains purchased from Bed Bath and Beyond can range in cost from $10 to $250. The cost will depend on the size of the window, style, and quality of the curtains purchased.

How much do cheap curtains cost?

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How much do Chris Madden curtains cost?

Chris Madden curtains cost at your local department stores can range from $17-$28. JC Penny's carries many of Chris Maddens curtains with great sales.

What is the average price for canopy curtains?

The cost of canopy curtains relies heavily on the material used. Walmart sells such curtains for as little as $7.97, while custom made curtains run as high as $1000 or more.

What are curtains made of?

Curtains are things that can block you from too much sunlight in the shelter, or blocks what you don't want to see from outside.

How much are curtains likely to cost at 'JC Penney'?

JC Penney offers a wide range of curtains and drapes, and a price range to match. The cheapest curtains cost around nine to 15 dollars, while the most expensive carry price tags of up to 70 to 80 dollars.

What are curtains made out of?

Curtains are made of different types of fabric, sewed together.


form_title=Curtains form_header=Let the light shine through with curtains! How much light would you like to come through the curtains?=_ What fabric and patterns would you prefer to see in your curtains?=_ Do your curtains need to be specially made?= () Yes () No What size are your windows?=_

Who designed curtains?

there is not just one person who designs curtains. the person who designs curtains work for the company who made the curtains. stupid...

What kind of material are curtains made from?

Curtains/Drapes, can be made from cotton, linen, or wool.

What are curtains made from?

Curtains can be made from a number of different materials and it is worth considering this when purchasing curtain poles as heavier curtains will require sturdier poles. Curtains can be made from cloth, wool, polyester, velvet and suede amongst other materials.