I just had mine appraise 2 days ago and if you cash it in at the bank it would b worth 118.35
Yes--I own one--and it's worth about $200. You can find out exactly here: http://www.treasurydirect.gov/BC/SBCPrice
Just checked the US Treasury website and found deceased mother-in-law's $50 the $25 have a total value of $310.44. The $50 E. Bond issued in November, 1943 for $37.50 earned interest until November, 1983 at which time it matured and stopped earning interest. It earned $169.46 interest and now has a total value of $206.96. The $25 earned half that amount. For the lawful heir to cash the bond a claim form and supporting documentation must be furnished to the Treasury for their approval. Over the Christmas Holidays I read a news story that said some early war bonds might be worth more if the were printed on a different paper than later war bonds. I am now trying to verify this.
well you know there worth a lot you know like 5c u no
A type of savings bond used by combatant nations to help fund a war effort. Canadas war bonds where called Victory Bonds. This information is from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_bond
The savings bond is worth $72.00 as of July 2013.
how much is a 1000 bond bought in 1979 worth.
There is not enough information to answer this question.
As of June 2014, a 50 dollar 1972 US Savings Bond issued in January is worth 251.76 dollars. The same bond issued in December of that year is worth 256.66 dollars.
At maturity it is worth $50. You buy it at discount prior to maturity.
$50.00 ... plus whatever the interest rate of the bond was at the time of issue.
It is worth about 1,504.82. You need to check your individual bond number with the government to get an exact amount.
depends on the series but around 42 dollars
There is not enough information to answer this question.
Go here http://www.treasurydirect.gov/indiv/tools/tools_savingsbondcalc.htm
A $25 E series savings bond bought in January of 1976 is worth 134.76. Yours may be worth a few cents more or less depending on the month purchased. E series bonds mature at 30 years so it will not gain any more value.
i think most savings bonds reach full value at 30 years. so yours would be worth about 30 or 35 dollars