The B-29 had a maxium speed of 357 MPH, and a cruising speed of 220 MPH. It had a combat range of 3,250 miles and could fly at 33,600 feet. It was armed with 12 .50 cal. machine guns (some had a 20 mm tail gun) and could carry 20,000 pounds of bombs. It had a crew of 11 men.
The plane was known as a B-29 Super fortress.
yes, in August 1945 by a US B29...............also Nagasaka got an A bomb......
The Enola Gay was painted by the crew men of that B29 and some of the men who served under Colonel Paul Tibbits.
The B-29 super fortress that dropped the first atomic bomb was called Enola Gay (named after the pilots mother)
More powerful weapons
Most powerful was the B29 Superfortress. For the axis powers, the Val dive bomber sank the most allied warships.
they were dropped from b29 bombers
boxcar b29
According to official records, about 2400 emergency landings were made on the island by B29's and presumably, by their P51 escort fighters.
It was a B29 Super-fortress built by Boeing.
Enola gay.
The plane was known as a B-29 Super fortress.
The time is something I dont have but the distance was about 1500 miles.
Enola Gay, B29 Superfortress
the B29 normally carried a 11/12 man crew