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You can learn a lot about the recruitment campaign in Britain. Success was made throughout the campaign but was the outcome worthwhile? The source, given to answer the question, was written by a soldier emitting patriotism for his country. The content of the source tells readers that the soldier, that rite the extract, imagined war as an adventure using the quotation 'We thought that it would be an adventure'. The origin of the source is from a soldier describing how and why he joined the army in 1914 using the quotation 'A soldier describes how and why he joined the army in 1914' The purpose of this was to show the success of joining when not knowing what the likely results lead to. For example using the quotation 'chance to prove that we were men' this is to tell people, that are desiring to enlist, that this will make you popular with the women and popular with friends. This solution was correct, as many men didn't just want to join for an adventure but for the women. Men not enlisted would see men recruiting while on their day job persuading men to leave the job until they arrive back before Christmas. The men were wrong the campaign followed in the same direction.

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Q: How successful were the recruitment campaigns in WW1?
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