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Q: How was Hitler's relationship with Paul von Hindenburg?
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Who was elected President of Germany in 1925?

Paul von Hindenburg

Who ruled in Germany prior to Hitler?

Germany did not have a Governor but a President (head of state) and a Chancellor (head of the government).The German President at the time was Paul von Hindenburg, full name Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg (born 2 October 1847, in Posen; died 2 August 1934 in Gut Neudeck, East Prussia).The German Chancellor before Hitler was Kurt von Schleicher, who served from 4 December 1932 to 28 January 1933.

Who was the commanding general on the western front in 1918?

Ferdinand Foch was the Allied Commander on the Western Front. Paul von Hindenburg was the commander for the Germans.

When did Hitler take the power in German?

He was made chancellor on 30 January 1933, but acquired full power over Germany after president Paul von Hindenburg passed away in August of 1934.

What actors and actresses appeared in Herrn Hitlers Religion - 1995?

The cast of Hitlers Helfer - 1996 includes: Winrich Behr as himself Manja Behrens as herself Heinz Beutel von Booselager as himself Martin Bormann as himself Wilhelm Canaris as himself Winston Churchill as himself Bill Croome as himself Paul Dunstan as Narrator - english version Adolf Eichmann as himself Roland Freisler as himself Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven as himself Joseph Goebbels as himself Ulrich Gunzert as himself Hellmut Hampe as himself Erich Heinrich Rudolf Hess as himself Heinrich Himmler as himself Adolf Hitler as himself Philipp Humbert as himself Alfred Jodl as himself Traudl Junge as herself Wilhelm Keitel as himself Wolfgang Leonhard Georg Lindemann as himself Gisela Lingenthal as herself Josef Mengele as himself Hubert Menzel as himself Georg Muhrer as himself Lev Paparov as himself Friedrich Paulus as himself Georg Reymann as himself Erwin Rommel as himself Albert Speer as himself Grigorij Tarabrin as himself Ernst Udet as himself Gottfried von Bismarck as himself Raban von Canstein as himself Heinrich von Einsiedel as himself Paul von Hindenburg as himself Hubertus von Humboldt as himself Olga von Kutzschenbach as herself Erich von Manstein as himself Joachim von Ribbentrop as himself Baldur von Schirach as himself Horst Zank as himself

Related questions

What is the birth name of Paul von Hindenburg?

Paul von Hindenburg's birth name is Hindenburg, Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von.

How tall was Paul Von Hindenburg?

Paul von Hindenburg is 6' 5".

How did Paul Von Hindenburg die?

Paul Von Hindenburg just died of natural causes

What is Paul von Hindenburg's birthday?

Paul von Hindenburg was born on October 2, 1847.

When was Paul von Hindenburg born?

Paul von Hindenburg was born on October 2, 1847.

When was Paul von Hindenburg ruler of Germany?

Paul von Hindenburg was elected president in 1925.

When did Paul von Hindenburg die?

Paul von Hindenburg died on August 2, 1934 at the age of 86.

How old was Paul von Hindenburg at death?

Paul von Hindenburg died on August 2, 1934 at the age of 86.

Why is the Hindenburg called the Hindenburg?

it was named after the late president of Germany, paul von Hindenburg

When did Oskar von Hindenburg die?

Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg. Better known as Paul von Hindenburg, was born on the 2nd of October 1847 and deid on 2nd of August 1934

Did paul von Hindenburg build the Hindenburg airship?

No he was dead when it was made.

How old is Paul von Hindenburg?

Paul von Hindenburg was born on October 2, 1847 and died on August 2, 1934. Paul von Hindenburg would have been 86 years old at the time of death or 167 years old today.