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From1933 to 1939, Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement. In 1933 Hitler wanted to rearm, although forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles. At a conference, Hitler said, "I will unarm if you do so too." He was allowed to by Britain as the treaty was said to be 'unfair'. They also ignored the remilitarisation of the Rhineland as Britain, France and the League of Nations were dealing with the Abyssinian crisis. They ignored his Anschluss with Austria and helped him gain the Sudetenland in order to appease him. Britain may have done this to give them time to rearm after the great depression and WW1, or Neville Chamberlain may not have realised that Hitler was not to be trusted, and that each demand was not his last one, as he kept promising. However in 1939 when he invaded the whole of Czechoslovakia, they realised, and ended appeasement.

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12y ago

Britain and France didnt want another war. so they gave him what he wanted so their was no conflict but Hitler was just testing how much he could get away with. So Hitler invaded Poland Sept 1st, 1939 and that started WW2.
Germany and France did not agree to the attack on Poland. they stepped in. got approved for United States weapons. then, declared war against Germany(Hitler)

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10y ago

During the 1930s, Britain tried to avoid war by appeasing Germany. They allowed Germany to reclaim Austria and Czechoslovakia. However, when Germany tried to annex Poland, that was the last straw, and Britain declared war.

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10y ago

During the 1930's, the leaders of Great Britain and France went to great lengths to keep Hitler happy. They did this to avoid invasion and to give their countries time to build up their military forces in an attempt to make Hitler back down.

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16y ago

France and Great Britain told Hitler that if he were to stop invading countries, then he could keep the countries that he had already conquered.

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15y ago

The French and Britons allowed Hitler to take the Sudetan or rather Rhineland back even though it was against the Versaiiles Treaty.

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Q: How was Hitler appeased?
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Who was the English leader that appeased Hitler?

Neville Chamberlain

How did Hitler respond to French and British appeasement?

he responded by asking for more and more. he broke the agreements made as a result of Germany apparently starting WW1. He was given land such as the Sudetenland through appeasement which caused him to undermine the power of Britain and France. he became more powerful and confident with each successful demand, and this is one of the caused of WW2.

What is an example of appeasement?

Appeasement is the practice of giving in to someone's demands. In pre-WWII, Hitler made many demands, starting in 1933. Most in the early stages of the Third Reich dealt with reversing the articles of the Treaty of Versailles (i.e. Reclaiming the Saar region & militarizing the Rhineland. France & England, having had enough of war in 1918 did not contest Hitler's actions. Next Austria's government was overthrown and taken control of by Germany. The Sudetenland, an area around the western rim of present-day Czech Republic was claimed by Germany, due to the number of Germanpeople living there after WWI. This land area was ceeded to become the newly formed country Czechoslovakia, under the articles of the Versailles Treaty.In each case, Hitler was appeased by the British and the French, in hopes to avoid war. Each time, Hitler stated that "....this is all we want for Lebenstraum (living space)...." Each time, he was appeased. This was continued until Hitler invaded Poland. Britain, with the backing of France, finally ended the policy of appeasing Hitler.

What was Hitler's father's job?

Hitler's fathers job was a custom officer.

What is Hitler's sig hial?

'Hial Hitler' means to all worship hitler.

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Who was the leader that appeased Hitler?

Neville Chamberlain

Who was the English leader that appeased Hitler?

Neville Chamberlain

In what city was Hitler appeased?

Hitler was appeased in Munich, Germany. And to appease means to give in or gain the good will of someone. In other words, Hitler got his way in Munich Germany. The Germans gave in to his commands.

Who was prime minister of great Britain that appeased Hitler?

Neville Chamberlain

what country was attacked by Germany while the world appeased Hitler?

Poland .

How was Germany appeased over by Sudetenland?

Germany was appeased over by Sudetenland because Hitler believed that it should be part of Germany since they spoke German and they were Germans.

Who appeased Hitler in the Munich Pact?

Arthur Neville Chamberlain, the British Conservative Prime Minister.

When Great Britain and France appeased Hitler and avoided war for another year after which event in 1938?

Munich Conference

Hitler would have behaved differently had the british and french not appeased him in munich?

naw blood that he still would have been acting brazy

What British prime ministers appeased Hitler in 1938 and declared that he had secured peace in your time?

Neville Chamberlain