He was brought up by his parents, Alois and Klara in Osterreich. His father was a clerk from customs. By the ending of his life (Alois) he bought a farm where he tried to grow bees. That experiment did not come to a happy ending as one of hes other sons burnt the hives down. What I can do here is to recommend a very good book about Adis (Adolf) Hitlers upbringing: it's name is 'The Castle in the Wood' by Norman Mailer. ---
Hitler was brought up as a Roman Catholic but his actions would show that he did not really live according to Christian principles.
Hitler gave the German people more living-space, more food and drink, he promised change for the people of Germany; Hitler brought Germany out of the depression.
How can someone that isn't real kill millions of people? Oh, but he already died.
Hitler was brought up a Catholic so he may have blamed the Jews for crucifying Jesus. He also would have seen prosperous Jewish families as he became an adult and may have been jealous of their wealth. Whatever the reason, it is always a popular move for a rising right-wing politician to pick on a minority as a scapegoat for problems in the rest of the population.
Basically Hitler built up the armed forces and economised the country. Hitler took Germany out of poverty and built up the counrtys jobs by producing more oppotunities, jobs ect.
Hitler was brought up as a Roman Catholic but his actions would show that he did not really live according to Christian principles.
because he was brought up in a broken family.....And he took drugs (i think a form of methenfidimines) before his speeches.
Hitler was brought up as a Roman Catholic, but he did not really have much use for religion or the church.
No. Adolf Hitler was brought up in a Roman Catholic family (source: Wikipedia). No, some seem to think that Hitler had an ancestor who was Jewish. However, neither he nor his parents were Jewish.
He was brought up in a Catholic family. Some say he was a Christian, but it's known that privately he had negative views of Christianity.
No, but Geli's mom Angela Raubal did work for Hitler as a housekeeper and brought Geli along to live at Hitler's house.
By bringing Hitler to the government someone would have been rewarded with monetary rewards.
Hitler's father was beating him up and pushing him, when Hitler was just a child.
Appointed as chancellor because Hindenburg thought he could control Hitler and the Nazis. Putted as leader when Hindenburg died
He brought Germany out of the depression and gave the people more money.
Adolf Hitler
Hitler gave the German people more living-space, more food and drink, he promised change for the people of Germany; Hitler brought Germany out of the depression.