It is hard for these countries to earn money in other ways.
Spain - Rebels of other countries Rebels of the native countries- Apex
That was Gettysburg. The Union victory on the 3rd came at the same moment as the other Union victory, far away on the Mississippi at Vicksburg.
Other important campaigns took place in North Africa and Russia. China and India, among other countries, were also the setting for important campaigns.
The Allied victory in Europe ended the Holocaust. Between 1933 and 1941 the US accepted about 250,000 refugees (of all kinds) from Germany. Other countries also accepted some refugees from Germany.
They joined American soldiers.
They joined American soldiers.
They joined American soldiers.
It showed the other countries that the Patriots were stronger than thought. Therefore, the other countries wanted to fight for the Patriots.
because britich did evey body wrong.
The American Revolution inspired powers to take steps to stop independence movements.
To influence their life
To influence their life
Americans fought and died with men from other countries.
The Panama Canal is important to other countries because it provides a link
Mexico, and other central American countries
american colonies envied wealth and power from Spain.Spain had wealth other countries' colonies didnt