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Pre-World War 2 Europe was pretty much an oasis of calm. You had several European nations and cities that flourished in trade, commerce, and the arts. Many Europeans also lived a laid back lifestyle with fine wine, exquisite cuisine, and classy operas. It was, however, the rise of both fascist and communist ideologies that propelled Europe into global warfare.

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10y ago
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13y ago

it depends on where you lived and what was your religion if it was Poland it a little standard for non-Jews as for the Jews many where shipped to death camps or cramped in ghettos were little food was common and typhus spred,as for England because they where bombed so badly during the war,they had to carry gas masks around with them and school closed and the children where often shipped to America.for gremany life was standard because maybe most Jews where in camps but then the allied forces started bombing Germany also.

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14y ago

The countries were destroyed and Germans were quite angry at the Treaty of Versailles. Germans had to pay £6,600 million for all of the damages from WW1. Many people had died and many were mourning for those who were lost and started to rebuild their countries.

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12y ago

before world war 2 it was normal but after World War 1 was terrible. the treaty of varsille signed in 1919 put the hurt on germany and its industry. taxing all exports to the point were profits were just pennies on the dollar or mark. our great depresion was bad here but in germany it was twice as bad because they depended on imports that were highly taxed and all exports had such a tax that it was imposible to make a profit. so everyone had a pissed off opinion about the treaty and Hitler apealed to many who wanted a better life & prid in there country again.

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7y ago

At the end WW1 the Germans were blamed for WW1 and sanctions were placed on the country. Germany was required to pay reparations, not have a military, and basically keep to themselves in Europe. By the time of the early 1930's the economy was in bad shape. Inflation was bad and people were out of work. They really felt that in the 20 years after the war they had paid enough and were suffering. Hitler came along and tapped into the disquiet and became the catalyst for a nationalist movement.

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14y ago

It was very anti-war. And it is how most countries behave before war begins.

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15y ago

Indeterminate. Economically very poor. Then fully employed rebuilding, mostly their ability to make war

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16y ago

There was alot of farming and they didn't have any vilonce yet! until the world war 2 was made!

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15y ago

Everything was made of gum drops and candycanes! Though the old well was made of the tastiest chocolate ever made. but soon the Nazis ate all of it up.

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