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Great Britain, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

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Great Britain, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

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How were the postwar governments and alliances of France different from those of Czechoslovakia?

Answer this question… France, a NATO country, had a democratic government. Czechoslovakia, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

The postwar compensation Germany was forced to pay to the victorious countries after world war 1 was called what?


What changes and effects caused Germany getting split into 2 parts?

Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt decided on the postwar division of Europe at the Yalta Conference. For that reason, American forces ended their advance at the Elba River, leaving Russia to take Berlin. In essence, this gave Russia control of East Germany which fell in the Soviet sphere, and the Western Allies (Britain, France, and the US) divided West Germany.

Was a buffer zone created between the US and western Europe in regard to postwar Germany?

The dividing line between the Soviets and US/allies.

How did decisions made by the Allies during the war affect postwar affairs?

In WWI: It made Wilson control the others, whilst France, Britain and Italy babbled over the defeated Germany, Wilson decided to cash in on their dept and make plans to help the economies of Europe which would help USA. Britain and France didn't agree about Germany, whilst Britain wanted to take a more helping role, France wanted their complete annihilation. In WWII: Soviet Russia became less and less friendly with USA, to the point the 'Cold War started. Britain always stood by USA, making hostility towards Russia stronger. France were neutral.

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The United Kingdom, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

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The United Kingdom, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

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How was the postwar government of the United Kingdom different from that of East Germany?

The United Kingdom, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

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to divide postwar Germany into four zones

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West Germany, which was controlled by the three western powers, of the US, Britain and France was larger, then East Germany, which was controlled by the USSR.

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Belgium In World War 2?

Although Belgium tried to remain neutral, they were invaded and conquered by Germany in May 1940. Belgian expats then formed a government in exile in London, and raised army and air force units trained and equiped by Britain. This government in exile was considered the defacto legitimate government of Belgium and assume control of Belgium when it was liberated in 1944, pending the first postwar electiion.