

How were horses used in ww1?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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12y ago

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In WWI more than 14 million horses were used for things such as carrying ammunition, supplies, and soldiers. Sadly throughout out the war over 8 million horses died, 2 million were treated in veterinary hospitals, and 2 million were able to return to duty!

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12y ago
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16y ago

They where used mainly in WW1 for: cavilry charges and the light horse brigade however due to the type of warefare eg machine guns. they became more commonly used for transporting artilary to the front They where used mainly in WW1 for: cavilry charges and the light horse brigade however due to the type of warefare eg machine guns. they became more commonly used for transporting artilary to the front

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8y ago

In some scenarios horses may have been treated with great respect (see War Horse) however there were selfish people (British and German) who didn't really care for the horses and most of them died. Only one horse survived the war, her name was Sandy. For Example Artillery horses were fed corn once a day. When the war was over old horses and injured ones were shot and the healthy ones were sent to new owners.

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12y ago

Used as a transportation facilitu

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1,000,000 horses were used in WW1 but sadly over 256,000 were killed.

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A kaiser is a horse and in ww1 and ww2 they used horses which is how they got around its very important

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4 million british horses were sent out durin 1914-1918

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Im not exactly sure on what you're asking so. . .they used alot of weapons, they had messangers that rode on horses, a good site for WW1 would be to just google WW1.

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horses were chosen for their stamina and on how they reacted to extreme noise (it would not do to have horses stampeding as shells exploded,this could cause many more injuries to the soldiers)

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All of the major countries involved in fighting in WWI had mounted calvary, including Russia, Germany, Great Britian, France, and the United States.

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Horses were very important in WW1 for many reasons , Dogs were also important in WW1 as messengers and so were pigeons for their strength in flying long distances

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no they used in in ww2

What happened to the animals in WW1?

Many animals such as horses, ponies, and donkeys were used for transport of military equipment, food, and so on. Horses were used by Mounted Infantry and Cavalry but, as the Western Front was usually static, they were not often used. Dogs were also used for various purposes.

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No horses are used for "war horses" anymore.

How did horses make an impact in the Civil War?

well, I don't want to go off on tangine but i studied this in middle school when I was younger. horses helped the war because alot of the people rode on horses when they were travaling. I would go into detail and give more resons, but I don't have time.