Ideological differences did not cause the cold war. Nuclear Weapons caused the cold war.
Answer:The Cold War was an ideological war between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Cold War was stated to start after WW2 (1946) and ended from the collapse of the Berlin Wall (1990).(During the Cold War the Korean and Vietnam war occured as well as the Cuban Missile Crisis).- K2
A cold war is a war that is fought politically by diplomacy with no actual shot being fired. A hot war is a war where military action is used.
The two sides involved in the Cold War were the United States and its allies, known as the Western Bloc, and the Soviet Union and its allies, known as the Eastern Bloc. These two sides represented the ideological divide between capitalism and communism, respectively, and were engaged in a geopolitical and ideological struggle for influence and power.
the cold war
The Cold war continuing state of tension and hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union after 1945 because of differences in political and economic philosophies
The major cause for the Cold War were Ideological difference between the two super blocs viz. USA - supporting capitalism and USSR supporting Communism
It is called a schism. Usually the ch is silent.
the u.s. or U.S.A.
Churchill did not cause the cold war. Nuclear weapons caused the cold war.
declaration of independence
Answer:The Cold War was an ideological war between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Cold War was stated to start after WW2 (1946) and ended from the collapse of the Berlin Wall (1990).(During the Cold War the Korean and Vietnam war occured as well as the Cuban Missile Crisis).- K2
Plato... taxation without representation
Huntington's thesis refers to Samuel P. Huntington's theory of the "Clash of Civilizations," which posits that cultural and religious differences between civilizations will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world, rather than ideological or economic differences. It suggests that conflicts will arise due to differences in civilizations rather than other factors.
The use of the atomic bombs in 1945 did not 'cause the Cold War'.
Conflicts of the Cold War emerged primarily due to ideological differences between the United States and the Soviet Union. The competition for global influence and power led to conflicts in regions such as Eastern Europe, Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. The arms race and the spread of nuclear weapons also heightened tensions between the two superpowers.
Korean War, Vietnam War,