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viet nam veteran with 100% disability

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Q: I am a 100% Disabled Vet from the Vietnam War. I need help in remolding my home. Are there any grants out there that can get it done?
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In 1975; President Gerald R. Ford's attitude toward North Vietnam's invasion of South Vietnam was to state that South Vietnam was a beaten country and that the USA had done all that could be done and the USA was giving up on South Vietnam, which was overrun in 55 days.

How was Louisiana involved in the Vietnam war?

Much of the training to prepare troops for the conditions of the Vietnam jungles was done there.

How was each side affected by the Vietnam War?

done done it all call 1773 4403982

i am a disabled in of a kidney,i am trying to get my house repaired,to be able to have weatherization,done to it, i need rafters done on my roof,before we can get it done?

in need of rafters on my roof,before i can have it weatherized

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A laser cutting factory

What has the US done to help Vietnam veterans?

US Veterans Affairs.

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Lasik surgery is a corrective vision option for individuals with eye issues such as astigmatism in addition to those with just vision problems. It is done by creating a flap on the eye while leaving some of the top layer attached and then remolding the eye.

What was done by the US to repair the damage done to the poorly treated Vietnam veterans?

They built a monument in Washington DC.