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Clement L.Vallandigham

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Q: I led northern democrats called copperheads in protesting the war who am i?
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Who was the group in the north that was most dangerous to the Union cause in the civil war?

The Peace Democrats, later called the Copperheads. The leader was Clement L. Vallandigham.

What were people who werent against slavery called?

Most Northerners were not Abolitionists, and there was no particular name for them. As the war went on, the anti-war Democrats were called Copperheads. These were pro-slavery.

Why did president Lincoln believe the copperheads were a threat to the union war effort?

The Copperheads were a group of Northern Democrats who opposed the American Civil War, wanting an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates. They were also called Peace Democrats, because they were in favor of a compromise peace. The Confederates believed that if they could prolong the war, and cause enough war-weariness in the North, Lincoln could lose the 1864 election. If so, the South might gain its independence. Unfortunately for the Copperheads, the fall of Atlanta in September 1864 meant that the Radical Republicans prevailed, and Lincoln was re-elected. By the time of his assassination on April 15, 1865, the war was essentially over.

Why did many northerners oppose to the civil war?

Didn't like the way Lincoln was running it. Some of these people were called copperheads.

What were the congressional republicans who opposed Lincoln's handlinsh of the war and the slavery issue called?

Copperheads.Congressional republicans who opposed Lincoln's handling of the war and the slavery issue were called radicals. Those that were willing to have peace at any price were called copperheads.

Related questions

What led northern democrats called copperheads in protesting the war?

Clement L. Vallandigham.

Why were the Northern Peace Democrats called Copperheads during the US Civil War?

The Republicans called the Peace Democrats "Copperheads" because they were comparing them to venomous snakes.

Northern democrates who favored making peace with the south were called?

Peace Democrats but there enemies called them copperheads

Who led northern democrats called copperheads in protestings the war?

Clement L. Vallandigham

Copperheads was a term that referred to Northern?

Democrats who opposed the American Civil War and sought a negotiated peace with the Confederate States. They were called "Copperheads" because copper was seen as a symbol of treachery. The Copperheads were mainly concentrated in the Midwest and had significant political influence during the war.

What were democrats for peace from the North during the civil war were called?


Who were peace democrats?

The "Peace Democrats" favored negotiating with the Confederacy. The Peace Democrats warned that continuing the war would lead to "terrible social change and revolution." They also appealed to racist feelings among Northern whites. Republican newspapers called the Peace Democrats "Copperheads." When Union armies fared poorly, support for the Copperheads rose. Hope this helped! Sorry if it's too long, but it is accurate.

What were presidents lincolns opponents to the civil war called?

Copperheads (Anti-war Democrats)

What are people called that apposed the civil war in the north?

Anti-war Democrats ("Copperheads")

Who was the northern democract who favored the confederacy?

They were called Copperheads

What were northern democrat who opposed the war?

They were called Copperheads.

Who were the Copperhead?

•The "Copperheads" were Northern Democrats who opposed the war and called for reuniting the states through negotiation rather than force. They were called "Copperheads", after the poisonous snake, by the Republican opponents who favored war. This answer is completely incorrect. The Copperheads were northern Democrats alright, but they demanded peace at any cost, promoted and resisted the draft, encouraged the Union soldiers to desert, met with and accepted money from confederate agents, tried to assist confederate soldiers in taking over their prisons and escaping. The republicans did not favor war as the previous writer states, they favored keeping the union in one piece and that would entail war - big difference. No one favors war, it is just that some choose to run away from it, and others choose to defend what is right.