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pure happieness

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Q: If you could have anything in this world what would it be?
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If you could have anything from the world then what would it be?

If I could have anything from this world then it would be world-wide peace, but, in reality that is never going to happen.

What would Atticus Finch want if he could have anything in the world?

to rule the world

If you could do anything what would you do?

I would travel all around the world ✌✌

If you could do anything in the world for one whole day without consequences what would it be?

If I could do anything in the world for one whole day without consequences it would be to walk around the big city naked.

If you could do anything you would?

travel around the world. one of my many life goals.

What would happen to Persephone if she ate anything in the world?

She could not then leave the Underworld, and would have to return for a portion of the year.

What would you do if you could not do anything?

You would Emba

If sodapop could have anything in the world what would it be?

soda would probably want: his parents back, mickey mouse back( his horse), and sandy to be his wife.

Would it be possible for water to evaporate and condense if it is continuous and not made of particles?

absolutely no conceivable clue, that is beyond the realm of anything we could know or even consider leave that to philosophy, its like saying: if our world was not our world, would our world be the same as the world we recognize?

If you could change your name to anything in the world what would you change it to?


If you could do anything in the world could you create a door you can not open?

yEs i would. So that bad luck won't com in and good luck will NT come out, but my only problem would be.... HOW CAN I TAKE A BATH AND CHANGE CLOTHES...

Was there ever any life on Jupiter?

Yeah,probibly, because aliens are basicly people and and life form or even a tree could possibley be counted as an alien in my world. Anything not on earth would be an alien. E.T. MEANS OUT OF THIS WORLD AND ANYTHING OUT OF THIS WORLD IS AN ALIEN! So possibley!