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Stress concentration in a design allows for maximum design for the thickness of of the materials most especially where two materials are joined together using bolt and nut. this used to determine the maximum bearing stress between the surface of the joining materials

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Rudolph Earl Peterson has written: 'Stress concentration design factors'

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Does stress concentration factor depend on the properties of materials?

The stress concentration factor depends on geometry, not on properties. For example if stress concentration factor around a circular hole is 3.0, that is the same for aluminum, steel, etc.

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you use a tool to provide a radius at he sharp corner, to reduce the stress concentration

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Emphasis is to show the importance of a fact. Stress is to forcefully try hard to show the importance.

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Stress hormones can focus concentration and speed reaction time.

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uncertianty and importance must be present

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A factor of safety against yield is applied to design stress Yield Stress/ Design Stress = Factor of safety The factor of safety varies for different industries; 1.5 is used in structural steel design for buildings; 1.25 or even 1.1 for aircraft/space systems

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