reestablishment of the union with ironclad guarantees for slavery including the rights of southerners to own slaves anywhere in the united states or its territory and constitutional amendment forbidding the abolition of slavery for 100 years
No. Remember "...from Atlanta to the sea"? It was after the fall of Atlanta that he devised the plan. At the end of it, he would capture Savannah. But the real aim was to wreck the Southern economy, destroy civilian morale, and starve the Confederate armies in the field.
The primary, the fundamental objective of the Union forces in the US Civil War was to force the South into an unconditional surrender. This meant that for all practical purposes, the Confederate forces were no longer able to defend themselves and the Confederacy.
In the 1930's racism was mostly pointed toward African Americans but was also starting to aim toward the Chinese and other new cultures.
two american indians died
Sherman's March to the Sea was a military campaign whose goal was to wreck the Georgian economy by destroying all of the farms, factories, and railroad between Atlanta and Savannah. Sherman's march was an early example of total war, in which an enemy's civilian population is targeted as well as its armies.
The most important aim of a Muslim is to win the Pleasure and Good-Will of Almighty Allah by sincerely following the commands of Almighty Allah and obeying the teachings of the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW).
My most important aim and task is providing for my family and living a good life before God.
To free the slaves in all regions behind confederate lines
you can hit the target.
Lincoln believed it was important to keep these borders states in union, even though that were slave states. That is why in 1861 he continued to say that his aim was to hold the united states together, not to abolish slavery.
Right click, most guns dont have aim though.
Hedonism is the philosophy that believes pleasure is the highest good and the most important aim in life. It emphasizes the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain as the ultimate goals of human existence.
to get the most medals
jakes NEW aim is jaketaustin555 hes is on most of the time
Most stars have Msn not Aim. Nobody knows her real AIM anyone claiming to know it is lying. Her Msn is for celebrities only not fans.
If they want one then so be it. the important thing is not to force them to have one.
Some people refer to it as A-I-M because it stands for AOL Instant Messenger but it is grammatically correct as Aim because it is an acronym for AOL Instant Messenger. I call it Aim and so do most people.