First Phase: Archidamian War (431-421 BCE)The Peloponnesian League invaded Attica annually, and Athens launched naval raids on the coast of the Peloponnese. It ended with the signing of the pseudo Peace of Nicias.Secod Phase: Peace of Nicias (411-412 BCE)Athens tried to capture Syracuse in Sicily 415-413 BCE, failing disastrously with capture of the whole expedition.Third Phase: Decelean War (412-404 BCE)Sparta gained financial support from Persia to build up a competitive navy and attacked Athens' allies and food supply in the Aegean Sea and Ionia, culminating in the seige and surrender of Athens.
The positive integer factors of 421 are: 1, 421
The only prime factor of 421 is 421.
0.421 as a fraction is 421/1000.It is 421/1000.
421 = CDXXI
421 + 136.25 = 557.25
421 is a prime number.
6 x 421 = 2,526