The situation in which no word given by Germany's ruler could be trusted and no people or country could feel itself safe, has become intolerable. And now we have resolved to finish it, I know that you will all play your part...
May God bless you all. And may He defend the right, for it is evil things that we shall be fighting against -- brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution; and against them I am certain that right will prevail
Radio Apex
After World War 2
world war 2
Depending on who you are you fought in World War 2. World War
In world war 1,germany started the war,but in world war 2,japan started it and usa ended the war
Yeah, I reckon it's possible.
please someone answer this i have a speech in 2 days!
how was a person how spooke beatiful speeches
Radio Apex
I am speaking to you today from the Cabinet Room in 10 Downing Street.
yes apocalypse world war 2 is the same as world war 2.
A war, known as World War 2.
World War 2
the will be no world war 2
After World War 2
A rehearsal in not a place in War World 2. In World War 2 it was the dress of rehearsal.
World war 2 1900civil war 1800revolutionary war 1700so its world war 2