Fashion has always had a pretty short memory. The 1920s saw lots of money sloshing around, lots of breaks with tradition and generational disagreement between "flappers" and "matrons." By the 1930s, economic trouble meant that fashion fell pretty low on most people's lists of priorities. Certainly the end of the Great War was a distant influence by then.
joining the league of nations
Charles Lindbergh's nonstop flight
Unions suffered a substantial decline in membership and influence during the 1920s.
Non cooperation movement
De StijlDestijlDe Stijl Art Movement
The book is set roughly in the 1960s but many of the items of the setting reflect the 1920s and Dahl's memories of the chocolate companies of the time. (Also, the television shows that influence Mike Teavee are of the 1940s and 1950s.)
a back to africa movement
The KKK of the 1920s was strongest in Indiana.
They suffered a decline in membership and influence during the 1920's.
The 1920s was known both as "The Roaring 20s" and "The Jazz Age. " Both of these nicknames reflect the importance of culture during this time, as well as how raucously the wealthy partied.