Popular Sovereignty, as he called it - letting the people of each new state vote whether it should be a slave-state or free soil.
how did frederick douglass wife die
There is not much known about the childhood of Stephen A. Douglass. He was born to Stephen Arnold Douglass and Sarah Fisk in 1847. He was well educated and taught school for some time.
Helping slaves escape under ground rail roads, be attack upon federal government
Douglass was an ex-slave whose mother was black His father was unknown but may have been white. Douglass had both black and white friends but he spoke for the black community.
three characteristics of Frederick Douglass are that he was intelligent and had a gift of speech, he was funny, and loving
Frederick dougalss tries to escape quite afew times but unfortunately they were unsuccessful. He was abolitionist, orator, editor, and reformer. Douglass is decribed as the founder of the civil rights movement. Douglass firmly belived in equality, whether you were black, female, Native American, or a recent immigrant.
Rosetta Douglass, Lewis Henry Douglass, Frederick Douglass, Jr., Charles Remond Douglass, and Annie Douglass.
Frederick Douglass
Former slave Fredrick Douglass identified that when the slaves were freed, the government let them go without anything to survive with. They left empty- handed. No food, no money, no family or friends and most sadly, no place they could call home.
Former slave Fredrick Douglass identified that when the slaves were freed, the government let them go without anything to survive with. They left empty- handed. No food, no money, no family or friends and most sadly, no place they could call home.
The address of the Douglass Public Library is: 319 S. Forest, Douglass, 67039 0190
Lexxy Douglass's birth name is Alexandra Douglass.
Helen Douglass has written: 'In memoriam: Frederick Douglass'
# Fredrick Douglass, had two wives , onee wasxx Anna Murray Douglass ,& the other oneee wasxx Helen pitts-Douglass...!
The address of the Douglass Historical Museum is: Po Box 95, Douglass, KS 67039
What is Frederick Douglass famous for?
I think is Frederick Douglass newtest3