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Wilmot Proviso Seeks to Limit Slavery Americans had long avoided the troubling issue of the expansion of slavery. But when the United States gained new territories as a result of the Mexican War in the late 1840s, the nation had to decide whether to admit these lands as slave territories or free territories. The delicate balance of power between North and South -- free and slave -- depended on this decision. During the early days of the Mexican War, Pennsylvania congressman David Wilmot had predicted the dilemma. He proposed a law stating, "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any" lands won from Mexico. South- erners angrily denounced the Wilmot Proviso. The northern-dominated House of Representatives approved the law, but the Senate voted it down. right out of my history book hope that help you

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Q: In the late 1840s what led to the question of whether slavery should expand to the territories?
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What led to the question whether slavery should expand to the territories?

the admission of kansas into the union

The Confederacy wanted to abolish slavery?

The Confederacy did not want to abolish slavery. In fact, they wanted to expand slavery into the new territories of the US.

What issues dominated the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

The topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates mostly concerned the extension of slavery into the US territories. Douglas believed that the territories should decide for themselves whether or not they wished to have slavery. He felt that power should reside at the local level and should reflect the wishes of the people. Lincoln stated, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Lincoln believed that slavery must be dealt with as a moral wrong and that only the power of the federal government could extinguish slavery.

What was one reason the Massachusetts legislature opposed Mexican War?

Texas claimed to be a slavery country, remember that United States was divided in a same amount of territories with slavery and not slavery, so if Texas joins to the american states, it would be more slavery territories than free states, Massachusetts was a free state.

What was slavery conflict about?

The conflict over slavery in the United States was primarily about the moral and economic implications of treating humans as property. It also centered around the balance of power between free states and slave states, as well as the debate over whether slavery should be allowed to expand into new territories.

What was the main issue in the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in 1858?

The main ISSUE of the DEBATE was whether slavery be allowed to expand to new territories. The REASON the debates were held was for a seat in the Illinois Senate.

Should slavery be allowed to expand into the territories if the people of those territories want it?

Consider this: Exactly which "people of those territories" wanted expansion of slavery. Definitely not any of the black people. Actually, nearly all the lobbying for slavery came from people living in the South who were anxious to gain more power in the House and Senate for their cause.

Why did David Wilmot wanted slavery prohibited in territories acquired from which country?

David Wilmot wanted slavery prohibited in territories acquired from Mexico in order to prevent the spread of slavery into new territories, as he believed that allowing slavery to expand would only further entrench the institution in the United States. This proposal, known as the Wilmot Proviso, aimed to preserve the western territories for free labor and was part of the broader political debates surrounding the expansion of slavery in the mid-19th century.

Why did the south want to expand slavery to the north?

The south was based off of farming. They had a small scale of land and a low population. They wanted to reach new territories to help promote slavery and farming.

In the late 1840 what led to the question of whether slavery should expand to the territories?

Wilmot Proviso Seeks to Limit Slavery Americans had long avoided the troubling issue of the expansion of slavery. But when the United States gained new territories as a result of the Mexican War in the late 1840s, the nation had to decide whether to admit these lands as slave territories or free territories. The delicate balance of power between North and South -- free and slave -- depended on this decision. During the early days of the Mexican War, Pennsylvania congressman David Wilmot had predicted the dilemma. He proposed a law stating, "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any" lands won from Mexico. South- erners angrily denounced the Wilmot Proviso. The northern-dominated House of Representatives approved the law, but the Senate voted it down. right out of my history book hope that help you

Why did slaveholders oppose the Wilmo proviso?

Slaveholders opposed the Wilmot Proviso because it sought to prohibit slavery in the newly acquired territories from the Mexican-American War. They saw it as a threat to their way of life and ability to expand slavery into new territories. Additionally, they believed it violated their property rights.

Why did the Louisiana purchase Mexican American war escalated tensions over slavery?

The Louisiana Purchase and Mexican American War certainly escalated tensions over slavery. For one, slave holders felt it was okay to expand slavery and their products and services into newly acquired land and territories. This was strongly opposed by early abolitionists that did not want the immoral act of slavery plaguing the new territories.