January 1933
Late September, 1939, in Munich, Germany.
Hitler was never president of Germany, however, he became leader of the Third Reich (the so-called Thousand-Year Empire) in the 1930's. Specifically, he was appointed Chancellor on January 30th of the year 1933. Immediately after then-president Von Hindenburg's death on August 12th of the year 1934 he proclaimed himself Führer, as well. He remained in power till his suicide on April 30th of the year 1945. Hitler was elected as the Chancellor of Germany/The Third Reich in 1933.
Hitler reclaimed Alsace and Lorraine for Germany during 1940. The provinces had originally belonged to Germany, but was taken away by the Treaty of Versailles following World War I.
In the first year of World War II, a variety of countries bordering the seas to the west and north of Germany were quickly conquered by Hitler and his armies. These countries, all conquered in 1940, were as follows: Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands (home-territories), Belgium (home-territories), and France.
Germany annexed Austria in 1938 one year before WWII. The name of the annexation was called Anschluss.
Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
1933. Hitler assumed power at the end of January 1933, and held it until he committed suicide at the end of April, 1945.
Hitler was never a king.
Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
He commited suicide in 1945 but was never tried.
During his rule, Hitler called Germany "The Thousand Year Reich."
May in the year 1913
In 1933.